JBLC Junior Lifeguard Competition Team 2013
Click here for WAIVER and APPLICATION
Jones Beach Lifeguard Corps locally, regionally, and nationally at USLA sanctioned events.
Program Overview:
Jones Beach Lifeguard Corps members will coach and train juniors for tournament skills
Coaches will be available to organize the Junior Lifeguard Competition Team at tournaments
Tournament entry fees are to be paid by the competing Junior Lifeguard
USLA membership* included for the competing Junior Lifeguard recognized on the Jr Lfgd Comp Team
NEW in 2012 continuing for 2013
Specialized training for the new competition Bennett paddle boards– Thursdays, 8:30 to 10:30 AM
(For Regional Championships and Nationals: tournament board use preference will be given to those
competitors who demonstrate competency at training sessions)
Competition Team ONLY Equipment:
Paddle Boards.
Competition Team T-shirts* and latex swim caps* are provided to all Jr Lfgd Comp Team members.
Team members may utilize their own wetsuits (at practice sessions) and swim fins.
NEW in 2012:
Competing Jr Lfgd Comp Team members may purchase team bathing suits at a discount. Purchasing a
team swimsuit is OPTIONAL, yet encouraged in order to portray a more organized and unified team.
Female Swimsuit – Quantum Spliced Super Proback @ $52.35
Male Swimsuit -Speedo Quantum Spliced Jammer @ $34.30
Click here for bathing suit order form
Each Jr Lfgd Comp Team member attending Nationals must have their own “Beanie” †
†NOTE – Beanies are mandatory for Nationals. We will have them available for purchase at $15.00 each
with an option for buyback Mid-August.
Junior Lifeguard Competition Team requirements:
Attend training sessions on time and prepared for rigorous physical activity
Maintain a high level of focus to training and competing
Dedication to “the Team”
Follow coaches directions at all times
Be on time and ready to compete at Tournaments (local, regional, national)
The registration fee will be $25.00*, from all who have made the Jr Lfgd Comp Team roster.
Checks to be made payable to: "JB Jr Lfgd Comp Team”
JBLC Junior Lifeguard Competition Team TRY-OUTS
How to apply:
Visit www.JBLC.net and click on "Jr Comp Team", download both the application and waiver forms
Have them completely filled out and signed by a Parent/Guardian and bring them to the tryout date
Wednesday, June 19, 2013, 4:00 PM at East Bath House Ocean, by the Lifeguard shack.
Vehicle Parking in Field 6, walk west to East Bath House and then south to the seawall.
Click here for WAIVER and APPLICATION
Show up for tryouts ready for an ocean swim, sand run, pushups, and sit-ups
Jr Lfgd Comp Team will be limited to 50 competitors (determined by tryout and team positions)
Review the schedule of Tournaments and commit to competing for the Jr Lfgd Comp Team
Junior Lifeguards Competition Team tryouts:
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at East Bath House Ocean (Field 5) at 4:00 PM (after school) –
IF you have a DIRE conflict you must email Bob Adler BEFORE 6/14/2013
The final team roster for 2013 will be e-mailed to all those who try-out.
Contact: Bob Adler (Coach/ Head Trainer) at: (516) 249-0469 x2 weekdays or email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
John McShane (Coach/Assistant Head Trainer) at: (516) 521-5366 or email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Training and Competition Dates for 2013
SCHEDULE --- pdf click here
Wednesday 6/19 Team Tryouts
Week of 6/24 Training on Wednesday 6/26 and Thursday 6/27
Week of 7/1 - Training on Tuesday 7/2 (paddle board) and Wednesday 7/3
Week of 7/8 - JBLC competition Tuesday 7/9, Training on Wednesday 7/10 and Thursday 7/11
Week of 7/15 - Training on Wednesday 7/17 and Thursday 7/18
Week of 7/22 - Training on Wednesday 7/25 and Thursday 7/26
(tentative Regional Championship Competition at Sea Girt, NJ - Monday, July 22nd)
Week of 7/29 - Training Wednesday 7/31 and Thursday 8/1
Week of 8/5 - Nationals Manhattan Beach, CA Wednesday 8/7
Last day of training - Wednesday 8/14 – Enjoy the rest of your summer and swim safely!!!
you do to enable your child to participate on the team, the team needs your help. We need
parents to help with team tryouts (timing and recording of finish results), transportation of
equipment (can buoys and Bennett Comp Paddle Boards), assistance at competitions and also
for some fund raising to help make sure our team has the right equipment to compete at peak
Please go to the Parent Volunteer link below and sign up to do your part to help with the team
organization. All help will be greatly appreciated.
coaches of the administrative burden that comes with running a team. This allows the coaches to
concentrate on skill development during training sessions. The Parent Committee will work behind
the scenes to support the team’s infrastructure. For example, ordering team uniforms, maintaining
the database of team members, communications, organizing volunteers, fundraising, etc. Please let
someone on the parent committee know if you are interested in helping the committee.
The 2013 Parent Committee members are:
Laura Baldassare - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Douglas Russell – This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Katie Hobbes –
A word on Sponsorships
The Jones Beach Junior Lifeguard Competition Team would like to offer families, or combinations of
families, the ability to sponsor a Bennett Competition Board and Bennett Transport Bag for the team.
They may also design their own logo to be screened on the boards and bags. All parents are also asked
to solicit local/national company sponsors. This will enable the team to utilize the Bennett Boards
for some time in competitions and allow the team to possess boards for both training and actual
Competitions only.